Tips for a Rainy Moving Day
Moving is already busy enough, so adding rain to that equation will only complicate things more. Everyone hopes for a dry weather move, but unfortunately, sometimes the forecast just doesn’t cooperate. As your premier Castlegar movers, we would like to offer the following tips on how to keep your belongings dry and safe during a rainy day move.
Be Safe
Safety should always be your top priority when moving and rain makes everything just a little more dangerous. When moving during the rain, keep in mind these important safety tips so that you and the movers stay safe.
- Be wary of lightning, especially when moving any metal appliances outside.
- Always wear non-slip footwear.
- Dry off any slippery or smooth surfaces such as tile.
- Use dry gloves to get a better grip on wet items and prevent any slippage.
- Always watch your step on slippery surfaces such as the stairs and ramp in the moving truck.
Prepare your Home
It is important to rainproof your home when moving. Surfaces can quickly become slippery, so place old towels, mats or rugs in entrance ways and along corridors so that people can wipe their feet. By placing these items on the floor you will also keep your carpets and floors mud free. Depending upon how wet it is, you may want to think about laying down disposable runners in your home to keep your floors dry.
Protect your Household Items
Rain not only makes things more slippery and cumbersome, it can also ruin household belongings. Some ways of protecting your items include:
- Park the moving truck as close to your home as possible. This will minimize the distance and lessen your belongings exposure to the rain.
- Prioritize loading. You may want to move more cumbersome and heavier items first while saving the more fragile items for later.
- Use plastic wrap to keep your items dry. Take extra care with fragile or delicate items as well as with electronics.
- Always hold boxes from the bottom to ensure that the bottom doesn’t drop out. Seal them to limit moisture.
- Dry your items as soon as they have been loaded into the moving truck or your home. You want to reduce the exposure to moisture to prevent mildew or mold from setting in.
No one wants to move in the rain, but sometimes it is unavoidable. By following these important tips and guidelines, you should be able to keep your belongings dry and safe even in the worst of downpours. If you are interested in other tips for moving in the rain or are interested in our many long distance moving services, please contact us today. We would love to be a part of your next move.