Don’t Forget These Moving Day Essentials
Moving day is here! You have your boxes (mostly) packed and you are waiting for your Castlegar movers to show up to get your things on the road. There are a few things that you might need while your things are being taken from one place to the other, as well as items that you should have easy access to you as you walk in the door of your new home. Here are some moving day essentials to have available to you.
When packing up the bathroom, don’t pack away any daily medications that you need to have. Set those aside, possibly using the same packing method that you would for a long vacation or trip. You can also make up a medical kit prior to move day so that all of these items are in a central location for you to quickly grab.
Take time to consider things that you might need other that your prescription medications as well. First aid items, quick cold or allergy cures as well as painkillers are all moving day essentials that can be very useful to you. Try to put them in a place you have access to them throughout the move.
Items for the Children
Kids can make a move interesting. It is just as exciting for them as it is stressful for you. Excitement can quickly switch to boredom during a long drive or while you are trying to figure out just how you got that couch in here in the first place. Having snacks and their favorite toys available to them can be a welcome distraction for both them and you. Games for the road or electronic devices are also a great way to keep them occupied during a long drive to their new home.
Extra Packing Materials
A box might break, or you might find some last minute items buried in a barely-used closet. Either way, having some extra packing supplies around to handle any emergent packing work is a great idea. A few spare boxes, tape, bubble wrap and shrink wrap are all great things to have on hand.
Pet Supplies
Just like the kids, your pets are going to have special needs of their own. Unlike the kids, pets are not going to understand what is going on. Make sure to take care of your furry family by having travel food bowls, food and water for them when they need it. If you have cats, you might need to rig up or purchase a temporary litter box as well. If having pets underfoot during the move is going to be too difficult, consider setting them up in a pet hotel or kennel for a few nights. This can remove some of the move stress from you.
Having these moving day essentials readily available can make your move a much smoother process. Even with these tips, moving is hard enough; why do it without help? If you are looking for Castlegar movers, then look no further than Kootenai Moving! Contact us today for a moving quote for your move.