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    How to move Long Distances with Pets

    Moving to a new home in a new city can be an interesting time.  The anxiety that is attached to the move and the relocation process can be equally difficult for the members of your family including your beloved pet.  As your premier Castlegar movers, we would like to offer you the following helpful tips on how to make your long-distance move as pet friendly as possible.

    Start Practicing

    Like anything, practice makes perfect.  Long before your actual move, be sure to get your pet accustomed to the car.  Start this process by taking them for short car rides and then slowly increase the length of time.  This way, when it comes time for your move, your pet will be familiar with the experience.

    Invest in a Carrier

    A good carrier is a must if you are moving your pet long distances.  Ensure that the carrier is:

    • Large enough to allow your pet to stretch out and move around.
    • Made with durable materials.

    Attach a Collar

    A collar is an essential when it comes to moving, for a few reasons.  The first is that you are going to need somewhere to attach a leash when you need to take your pet for walks.  The second reason is that attached to it should be your contact information as well as your pet’s name, in case your pet gets lost during the move.  The information attached to your pet’s collar should include:

    • Your first and last name.
    • Your cell number.
    • The address to your new home, including city and province.
    • Your pet’s name and any other pertinent information.

    Important Documents

    When packing for your long-distance move it is a good idea to include your pet’s information and documents with your other important papers.  Put these items in a convenient and easy to access place (in your car) in case of any type of emergency.

    Book the Right Hotel

    If you are driving long distances and need to stop somewhere to sleep, be sure to reserve a pet-friendly hotel room.  The last thing that you want to do after driving all day is to have to drive around looking for a pet friendly hotel – plan ahead.

    Get Acquainted

    As soon as you arrive at your new home, you will want to get your pet acquainted with its new surroundings.  The first things unpacked should be your pet’s food and water bowl and any special toys.  The sooner you start this process, the sooner your pet will feel at home in its new surroundings.

    These long-distance moving tips will ease the anxiety of your pet (and yourself) and make the process less stressful for all your family members.  If you would like any other information on how to make your move a pet-friendly one or are interested in some of our long-distance moving services, please contact us today.  We would love to be part of your next moving experience.